I am all about writing affirmations to create positive change in my life. I believe they work, that is, when I write them consistently in my journal. Just like everyone I go through the ebbs and flows of life–sometimes I’m a moody artist (as my husband likes to call it). Other times, I’m focused on self-improvement and positive thinking. If I had my way I would choose positive thinking 10/10 times. That’s easier said than done though.
Therein lies, the great power of writing DAILY affirmations and choosing the right affirmation for you! Affirmations are positive statements you tell yourself about your life and the success you imagine is coming your way. I always believed in positive affirmations but never saw dramatic change until recently. I finally figured out why my past affirmations weren’t working and the steps I need to take in order to see long-term change.
This method has helped me accomplish some of my goals and given me more confidence in blogging and writing than ever before. Along with blogging more frequently (and experiencing the flow of creativity and effortless writing), I have been working out again, thanks to my fitness affirmation and the Miracle Morning.
Are you ready to benefit from the power of affirmations too? First, I am going to share with you my experience, affirmation process, and give you tips along the way to help you start your own journey.
My Story: For years and years I’ve wanted to have a successful blog. This desire probably dates back to 2007, if not earlier. I even started a WordPress blog back then with little success and lots of confusion on the mechanics behind a website (marketing, SEO, website design, photography, etc). Everything about running a website seemed so overwhelming and impossible. At that time in my life, most of my journal entries and affirmations were focused on how I didn’t want to feel rather than how I DID want to feel.
Flash forward, to 2014, I still have this desire to blog and motivate women to be creative and achieve their goals. My husband helps me build a site for my jewelry using Shopify. (I think to myself, why didn’t I ask him to help me sooner–way easier than trying to figure it out on my own!) Overtime, I learn the ends and out of Shopify and their blog platform (I don’t like their blog platform and want to change to something else but don’t know where to begin). My journal entries are still mostly about how I don’t want to feel.
Friday Nov. 6th, 2015: “Where I am today/ now? I feel stuck, overwhelmed, anxious, blocked, cluttered, annoyed, and cranky. I feel self-doubt. Will my website be successful? Will I get a following and make money doing it?…….”
From this old entry, you can see where my head is at. I also experiment with different affirmations to help motivate me to write more blog posts.
My affirmation: “I am easily able to write blog posts. I am now able to write blog posts with ease. I now have a successful blog and write with ease……”
I rewrote this affirmation a few different ways. I know that the words “write”, “blog posts”, and “easily” were trigger words that didn’t make me feel good because I didn’t believe I could write well. This affirmation certainly wasn’t working for me. I had too much negative emotion attached to it. Even now I don’t like the sound of it. As I look back on old journals I notice a lot of different affirmations. I never focused on ONE affirmation or area in my life for an extended period of time. I always wrote a different affirmation depending on my mood at the time.
In the middle of April 2016, after a long hiatus of not writing in my journal regularly, I grab my go-to book, “Creative Visualization” by Shakti Gawain, to start writing affirmations again (I have probably read this book 10 times–it’s great for when I need a positive pick me up!) After experimenting with different affirmations, this is the one I choose. I absolutely love this affirmation! It makes me feel empowered and happy with no negative emotions attached to it.
My Creative Affirmation: “I am now an open channel for creative energy. Creative ideas & inspiration are coming to me every day. This or something better now manifest for me in totally satisfying and harmonious ways for the highest good of all concerned. And so it is!”
I wrote this affirmation down regularly in my journal, over and over. I choose to focus solely on this affirmation in hopes it would help with my business, blog and creativity. As soon as I began working with this affirmation I started to see improvements. Within a few days, I had this explainable confidence and knowledge to design and transfer my blog over to WordPress–I did this all by myself! This is something I’ve wanted to do for two years.
As I continued working with this affirmation I began posting blog articles each month. I have written 14 blog posts in 4 months! This may not seem like a lot but when you compare it to the 10 blog posts I had written in two years previously, it is quiet the transformation! I’ve even noticed a change in my journaling. I no longer fill the pages with what I don’t want or complaints. My entries are mostly filled with to-do’s, ideas and inspiration, and lots of book notes.
That is why I believe in the power of affirmations! I have seen such amazing results in such a short time. I still love my creative affirmation and use it everyday! Now that I’ve focused on that affirmation for an extended period of time, I have recently added an additional fitness affirmation to the mix. I write or read my two affirmations daily.
Are you ready to start your 30 Day Affirmations Challenge?! Let me share a few tips to help you begin!
Tips for Writing Affirmations:
When you start working with affirmations have fun with it. There are so many great resources out there on writing affirmations. One of my favorite books on the subject as mentioned above is “Creative Visualization” by Shakti Gawain. She has wonderful techniques and exercises to help you think positive and visualize your goals.
Another personal favorite is, “How to Get Everything You Ever Wanted” by Adrian Calabrese. She breaks down the process into 6 Steps–(Proclaim it!, Affirm it!, Sanctify it!, Energize it!, Invoke it!, and Give thanks for it!)
My third favorite is, “Your Heart’s Desire” by Sonia Choquette. She shares personal stories and has nine principles to help you master the art of manifestation. Her exercises will help you clarify your goals. She also provides fun meditation exercises.
Tip 1: Focus on an area you’d like to improve and state it as if it’s already true. If you feel any resistance with your affirmation–tweak the words until you feel good about it. Some times there are trigger words that ignite a feeling of disbelief and doubt. It’s better to remove those words and come up with something better. Look online or read motivational books for inspiration! I had to do this a few times before I came up with my creative affirmation. It was no where near where I wanted it to be.
Tip 2: Gauge your emotional response to your affirmations. Think of your emotions as a number on a “happiness scale” ranging from 1-10. Where 10 equals feeling bad, negative, full of doubt and disbelief and 1 feeling excited, encouraged, blissful, and giddy! You’ll ideally want to be a 1 on the happiness scale.
Tip 3: A few examples to get you started. Let’s turn your desires into affirmations!
- Let’s say you want a relationship: Write: “I am beautiful and ready for love!”
- If your house is cluttered and a mess: Write: “I live in a beautiful home feeling relaxed and comfortable”
- If you want to lose weight: Write: “Everyday I am growing healthier and more attractive.”
- If you are thinking negative: Write: “Happiness is a part of my life now and I feel deeply relaxed and centered.”
Tip 4: Always leave room for something better to manifest. I learned this technique from “Creative Visualization” by Shakti Gawain.
I always finish my statements with this sentence or something similar to it: “This or something better now manifest for me in totally satisfying and harmonious ways for the highest good of all concerned. And so it is!” It leaves room for something better to come your way.
Are you ready to start your 30 Day Affirmations Challenge?!
Your 30 Day Affirmations Challenge:
I challenge you to focus on ONE specific area you’d like to improve and create an affirmation for it. WRITE this affirmation in your journal or on a piece of paper each day for the next 30 days!
I’d love to hear about your experience with this 30 day affirmation challenge!! Please share your thoughts and experiences with me. I hope you make affirmations a part of you life and reap the rewards of positive thinking and believing in yourself!
So important to have a positive affirmation just not for others but on yourself. Great challenge!
Thanks! You have some great toddler activity. I’ll be checking those out!
What a wonderful idea. I do love this! I keep a journal. My mission is to learn languages, but by applying positive psychology techniques.
Yeah I love journaling and positive thinking. Love that you use pyschology to help others. I saw on your site that you bullet journal. Thats great. I love bujo!
I could not refrain fromcommenting. Very well written!
Perhaps you could write your next articles referring to this article.
I read even more about this subject!